Table Canvassing



Explore Programs

Two actresses on stage during a production.

博彩软件app排名的视觉和表演艺术的学生茁壮成长在一个刺激, 支持环境,鼓励他们的艺术和智力发展,同时为他们在各自领域的成功事业做好准备.

艺术s Program 新闻

The 2024 senior art exhibition Ruminate: Chew On This will be on exhibition in the Frankie G. Weems Gallery at Meredith College this spring. Tasha Aaron, Kayla Cooper, 谢尔比考克斯, Arianne Gonzalez, Sara Grace Lane, Karlie Mullis, Emma Relota, 和Sara-Rose Spann很高兴能展示他们独特的作品. 

博彩软件app排名学院欢迎350多名学生“分享”, 学习, 并作为高中舞蹈日的一部分来庆祝舞蹈. 该活动由博彩软件app排名学院舞蹈项目赞助,于11月3日在校园内举行.


Carswell Concert Hall

Carswell Concert Hall


Voice Performance

卡斯韦尔音乐厅有两架施坦威三角钢琴,并为独奏会提供了一个更私密的空间, 协奏曲, and presentations.

卡斯韦尔音乐厅有两架施坦威三角钢琴,并为独奏会提供了一个更私密的空间, 协奏曲, and presentations.


院子里 Fountain in the Campus Quad 博彩软件app排名美丽校园的这个区域是户外表演的背景, 特别是在庆祝学生成就日.

博彩软件app排名美丽校园的这个区域是户外表演的背景, 特别是在庆祝学生成就日.

Johnson Hall Rotunda

Johnson Hall Rotunda

Johnson Hall Rotunda

约翰逊大厅圆形大厅是两个校园艺术画廊之一. 圆形大厅包括多个楼层的展示空间,也为画廊开幕提供了一个很好的接待场所.

Located in Meredith’s most iconic building, 约翰逊大厅圆形大厅包括一个多层艺术画廊和一个独特的接待场所.

Jones Auditorium

Jones Auditorium
教师 Lecture in Jones Auditorium 琼斯礼堂有一个可容纳600名观众的舞台剧院. The auditorium hosts a broad range of events, including lectures as well as music, 跳舞, and theater performances.

琼斯礼堂有一个可容纳600名观众的舞台剧院. The auditorium hosts a broad range of events, including lectures as well as music, 跳舞, and theater performances.

Jones Chapel

Jones Chapel

Jones Chapel

A 300-seat chapel with classic appeal, Jones Chapel hosts concerts, and lectures, and other types of performances.


Kresge Auditorium

Kresge Auditorium
Kresge Auditorium 位于凯特学生中心的140个座位的礼堂, Kresge礼堂是举办大型会议的场所, 面板, and film screenings.

位于凯特学生中心的140个座位的礼堂, Kresge礼堂是举办大型会议的场所, 面板, and film screenings.

McIver Amphitheater

McIver Amphitheater
麦克弗圆形剧场-座位,玫瑰和桥可见 Surrounded by beautiful plantings and greenery, 麦克艾弗圆形剧场举办了许多演讲,以及户外戏剧表演和电影放映.

Surrounded by beautiful plantings and greenery, 麦克艾弗圆形剧场举办了许多演讲,以及户外戏剧表演和电影放映.

Studio 剧院

Studio 剧院
Studio 剧院 in Jones 位于琼斯礼堂下方的黑盒子剧院, 工作室剧场能够适应制作的要求. This theatre is also used as a classroom.

位于琼斯礼堂下方的黑盒子剧院, 工作室剧场能够适应制作的要求. This theatre is also used as a classroom.

Weems 艺术 Gallery
Weems Gallery Exhibition Meredith’s Frankie G. 威姆斯艺术画廊展示了各种各样的艺术家,媒体和主题. 全年都有新的展览.

Meredith’s Frankie G. Weems 艺术 Gallery 展示了各种各样的艺术家,媒体和主题. 全年都有新的展览.